Archer Form

The archer must have technique or form that is consistent and preferably constantly improving. Consistency is vital and should be the major goal. The focus is usually on stance, bow hold, anchor point and release. To tie these together I would add brain training, mussel memory and swing sub-conscience reflexes into action. These all take time and practice to develop but in the long run are major determinants of your success.

Tomes have been written on the subject of archer's "form", so will not be covered here other than to mention a few aspects:

Google "archery form" and try to work past the plethora of miss-information. Remember, it is usually better to be aware and adopt good form from the outset than to "un-learn" and re-learn.

One thing is certain, tuning other parts of the system will have minimal impact until the archer's shooting form has evolved to a reasonable level with a degree of automation of the details.