Archer Personal Information

Archer personal information is used in calculations associated with bow energy, stabilizer performance and scoring. While it is optional, if you choose not to enter personal information, defaults will be used. New defaults may be loaded direct from this page for female or male archers.


Enter your height. Optional, but defaults to 1.73 m (5' 10"). It is used for estimating various archer and bow defaults.

Anchor Height

Enter the height of the arrow nock at anchor point above ground, including any footwear. Defaults to about 1.59 m (5' 3"). Used for ballistic calculations.

Arm Span

Enter the fingertip to fingertip of out stretched arms. Used to determine default draw length and minimum arrow length.


Enter weight, optional. Used for estimating archer - bow characteristics, particularly in the use of stabilizers.

Draw Capability

This field is the maximum draw weight the archer can physically draw. It is not the preferred shooting weight which will always be less than this figure. The value is used to estimate the ideal draw weight when changing bow types. For compound bows the draw weight can be close (5-10% lower) due the let-off at full drawn. For other bow types it is likely to be 10-20% lower.


Optional. Along with year of birth used for competition round details, including scoring. Some other parameter defaults may be set according to gender.


Optional. Left-handed or Right-handed.

Birth Year

Optional. Enter your year of birth. Used to assist in some form estimates and in WA 1440 Round scoring. Defaults to an age of 21 years on date of first launch of the application.

WA Class

World Archery competing class based on gender and year of birth. The drop down menu provides valid classes to which you may belong. Select one. Should the gender or birth year be changed, rendering the previous setting invalid, the youngest valid class will be chosen.


Select the archery categories that interest you. Used as a filter for additional information in some areas. For example, the Hunting tab only appears if the Hunting or Fishing category is selected.


Optional. Select your country. This is used to initialize the default Latitude and Altitude (see Ballistics>Atmosphere). These parameters may set directly, but will be re-initialized if the Country is selected again. These parameters also have a ripple on effect - adjusting gravity, atmosphere characteristics and hence trajectory etc. Thus the effect of changing countries may be seen to have a small but real impact on arrow ballistics.

The list of countries is in two parts - firstly the main archery indulging countries, then the rest.

Note: when the application is started for the first time the country is set to that defined by the computer's locale setting.