Parameter snapshot of current values

Parameter descriptionCodeSnapshot ("text")
OS version0800macOS Version 10.15.2 (Build 19C57)
FlyingSticks version08011.2.2 (Build 11C29)
Country0802Australia (AU)
Date and time0803Tue Dec 31 16:41:25 2019
Apparent temperature000023.5°C
Cloud reflectance00010.0 %
Air density00021.175 kg/m³
Dew point temperature000311.4°C
Air dynamic viscosity000418.68 µPa·s
Wind measurement height00052.00 m
Air pressure00061001.3 hPa
Radiant heat flux0007713 W/m²
Relative humidity000850.0 %
Speed of sound in air0009345.5 m/s
Air temperature001022.4°C
Time of solar day001112.0 hr
Wind direction001290.0°
Wind gradient threshold00135.000 m
Wind speed00143.0 m/s
Wind variability001550.0 %
Wind vertical direction00160.0°
Ashby's mechanical advantage0017-2 %
Ashby's tip design00181 %
Ashby's bevel contribution0019-14 %
Ashby's slickness contribution00200 %
Ashby's FoC contribution002117 %
Ashby's sharpness contribution00220 %
Ashby's taper contribution00230 %
Ashby's mass threshold contribution00240 %
Ashby's ferule ratio contribution0025-3 %
Ashby's arrow integrity0026-0 %
Ashby's net contribution0027-3 %
Ashby's factor00280.968
Arrow aerodynamic length0029801.0 mm
Boundary layer thickness003013 mm
Resonant dampening, calculated00311.341 s
Resonant frequency, calculated003259.7 Hz
Arrow center of gravity0033153.8 mm
Arrow center of pressure00345 mm
Drag coef.00352.192
Drag coef. from ballistics00362.192
Drag coef. from theory00372.192
Drag coef. manual00382.000
Drag contribution of fletches003910.7 %
Drag contribution of nock00408.9 %
Drag contribution of point004122.8 %
Drag contribution of shaft004257.6 %
Drag trim00430.0 %
Arrow dynamic spine004428.03 kgf
Ferule to shaft diameter ratio0045103.7 %
Front of center (FoC)004620.6 %
Lift coef. slope00470.00560 /°
Resonant amplitude, manual004815.0 mm
Resonant dampening, manual00491.000 s
Resonant frequency, manual005080.0 Hz
Resonant orientation, manual005190.0°
Resonant phase, manual00520.0°
Arrow mass0053492.4 gr
Arrow mass calculated0054492.4 gr
Arrow mass measured0055379.9 gr
Moment of inertia about CoG00560.003 kg·m²
Net sectional area00570.9 cm²
Reynolds Number ref. diameter005834,710
Reynolds Number ref. length00593,407,000
Sectional density0060410.8 kg/m²
Resonant damping, selected00611.341 s
Resonant frequency, selected006259.7 Hz
Spin speed constant006336.46 rpm/m/s
Spin time constant00640.119 s
Arrow stability factor006519.9 %
Arrow standard length0066748 mm
Spin speed, steady-state00672639 rpm
Terminal velocity006872.9 m/s
Transitional Reynolds Number00690.000
Yaw dampening00700.000 s
Yaw frequency00710.0 Hz
Arrow integrity00720.000
Ballistic data arrow mass0073401.2 gr
Ballistic data drop00743.727 m
Ballistic data estimated launch speed007559.3 m/s
Ballistic data group size0076260 mm
Ballistic data range007750.0 m
Ballistic data scale value00782 mm
Ballistic data sight point height007971 mm
Ballistic data vertical target error00800 mm
Bow arrow mass for measured speed10081300.0 gr
Bow arrow mass for measured speed20082463.0 gr
Available energy008399.28 J
Brace height0084171.4 mm
Claimed speed0085101.2 m/s
Bow CoG x0086-25 mm
Bow CoG y0087-100 mm
Bow CoG z00880 mm
Design trim00892.5 %
Draw curve distance00900 mm
Draw curve efficiency009187.0 %
Draw curve energy0092109.1 J
Draw curve estimate efficiency009373.2 %
Draw curve force00940.000 kgf
Bow draw net efficiency009573.2 %
Bow drop off009675.0 %
Effect draw weight009724.7 kgf
Bow efficiency009887.0 %
Bow energy trim00992.5 %
Bow length0100762 mm
Draw length, manufacturer's01010 mm
Draw weight, manufacturer's01020.000 kgf
Bow mass01031633 g
Bow measured speed1010498.5 m/s
Bow measured speed2010585.0 m/s
Minimum safe arrow mass per draw weight010673 mg/N
Draw weight010724.95 kgf
Draw length0108690.0 mm
Draw length tolerance01092.0 mm
Nock above square01106.5 mm
Nock above square, initial011118.1 mm
Bow dynamic spine011252.35 kgf
Plunger maximum load force01130.816 kgf
Plunger position0114-3.5 mm
Plunger pre load force01150.357 kgf
Plunger travel011610.0 mm
Power stroke0117518.6 mm
Rest above center011845.0 mm
Number of string strands011918
Bow system CoG x0120241 mm
Bow system CoG y0121-85 mm
Bow system CoG z012221 mm
Limb temperature012320.0°C
Tiller difference01240.0 mm
Tiller measurement spacing01250 mm
Virtual mass012692.6 gr
Virtual mass adjust01270.0 gr
Fletch length012880 mm
Fletch net mass012910.2 gr
Number of fletches01303
Fletch offset angle01312.000°
Fletch offset distance01322.79 mm
Fletch position013320 mm
Fletch spin travel pitch01341.6 m
Fletch thickness01350.4 mm
Fletch unit mass01363.4 gr
Fletch width013713 mm
Insert CoG from shaft0138-15 mm
Insert diameter01397.0 mm
Insert extend length01401 mm
Insert mass014111.0 gr
Average launch acceleration0142515.0 G
Average speed014367.7 m/s
Rotate osc. dampening, calculated01450.499 s
Rotate osc. frequency, calculated01464.21 Hz
Canter angle01470.0°
Canter vertical aiming offset01480 mm
Canter horizontal aiming offset01490 mm
Canter angle hold tolerance01500.3°
Clout range to flight range ratio01510.0 %
Canter azimuth offset, current01520.000°
Launch drift y01530 mm
Launch drift z01540 mm
Elevation for maximum range015641.00°
Elevation for maximum range, current015741.00°
Flight time01588.318 s
Flight time, current01598.318 s
Launch horizontal offset angle01600.000°
Target impact precision01610.3 mm
Initial bow rotate speed0162-2.97 rpm
Initial deceleration by drag01631.128 G
Initial rotate amplitude01643.0°
Initial rotate amplitude at nock016527.6 mm
Initial rotate orientation016690.0°
Initial rotate phase01670.0°
Initial rotate phase tolerance01685.0°
Initial rotate speed016916 rpm
Launch speed017072.4 m/s
Rotate osc. dampening, manual01710.250 s
Rotate osc. frequency, manual01725.00 Hz
Flight range0173318.3 m
Flight range, current0174318.3 m
Maximum height01752.097 m
Maximum height for flight range017686.92 m
Maximum height for flight range, current017786.92 m
Range of maximum height017822.6 m
Maximum height above sightline01790.522 m
Plot height offset01800.000 m
Resonance ground wavelength01811.2 m
Flight reversal height0182#####
Flight reversal range0183#####
Rotate vertical angle at impact01840.0°
Rotate horizontal angle at impact01850.0°
Rotate induced deviation01860 mm
Rotate excursion01870 mm
Rotate vertical offset at impact01880 mm
Rotate horizontal offset at impact01890 mm
Rotation ground wavelength019014.5 m
Score (current range and includes)01910
Spine match0192-0.601
Sweet range maximum019319.4 m
Sweet range minimum01945.1 m
Sweet range set range019517.3 m
Time increment for ballistic engine01961.000 ms
Vertical offset angle01970.000°
Wind - canter calibration factor01980.75°/m/s
Canter required for wind01992.2°
Launch x sightline negative range020047.6 m
Location altitude0201500.0 m
Location gravity02020.9986 G
Location latitude020335.0°
Location longitude02040.0°
Nock CoG from shaft02053 mm
Nock diameter02067.5 mm
Nock length020715 mm
Nock mass02089.0 gr
Nock to shaft length02098 mm
Nock width at string02105 mm
Clout group height change0211#####
Current group horizontal angle SD021218.0 MOA
Current group skew02131.00
Current group vertical angle SD021418.0 MOA
Range Square Law Dispersal at 100 m0215110 mm
Round group solution score0216585.7
Round group solution X's02173.0
Round score estimated 2SD021820.7
Round score (with includes)0219587.7
Round X's (with includes)02203.1
Round X's 2SD02213.5
Face diameter02221220 mm
Round score0223587
Round X's count02243
Group height0225419 mm
Group height, no includes0226419 mm
Group width, direct0227560 mm
Maximum possible round score0228720
Maximum possible round X count022972
Group height, direct0230560 mm
Group width0231420 mm
Group width, no includes0232420 mm
Gust group height02330 mm
Gust group width02340 mm
Hunter group height0235549 mm
Hunter group height, no includes0236549 mm
Hunter group width0237551 mm
Hunter group width, no includes0238551 mm
Range for group, direct023990.0 m
Range estimation error0240± 10.0 %
Range estimation error on group height02410 mm
Splash score (no includes)0242586.2
Splash score 2SD024323
Splash X's count02443.1
Splash X's 2SD02454
Archer's Form Rating024629.3
Archer's Rating in Handicap Panel024719.1
Archer's Form Rating024879.3
Archer's Rating in Handicap Panel024980.6
Archer's Round Handicap0250134
Archer's anchor height02511592 mm
Archer's arm span02521766 mm
Archer's birth year02531998
Time between simulated releases02544.0 s
Number of shots in a simulated group end02556
Archer's height02561735 mm
Archer's weight025773.0 kg
Archer's maximum comfortable draw weight025824.9 kgf
Iteration loops allowed0259500
Plots: number of x-axis steps02600
Target penetration linear term02611.0000
Target penetration power term02621.3500
Plot span angle02630.0°
Plot span drift02640 mm
Plot span offset02650 mm
Plot span trajectory02660.0 m
Resight trigger, face multiple02674.0
Archer's spine tuning trim02680.0 %
Point blade unit area02693.5 cm²
Point blade cut diameter027027 mm
Point blade length027154 mm
Point blade thickness02721.5 mm
Point CoG distance from shaft027315 mm
Point ferrule diameter02747.9 mm
Point length027545 mm
Point mass0276200.0 gr
Point mechanical advantage02772.00
Point number of blades02782
Point sweep angle027915.0°
Point blade tip width02805 mm
Current score0281586.3
Sensitivity score0282577.7
Current rating028379.31
Sensitivity rating028477.49
Score drop0285-8.6
Rating drop0286-1.81
Delta percentage0287± 0.000 %
Shaft diameter02887.6 mm
Shaft diameter front02897.6 mm
Shaft diameter rear02907.6 mm
Shaft foot length02910 mm
Shaft foot mass per length029212.00 gr/in
Shaft internal diameter02936.6 mm
Shaft length0294740 mm
Shaft mass0295262.2 gr
Shaft mass per length02969.00 gr/in
Shaft spine AMO029735.93 kgf
Shaft static spine02988.34 mm(AMO)
Sight arm length029969.8 mm
Sight arrow mass 10300401.2 gr
Sight arrow mass 20301#####
Sight ballistic speed 1030259.7 m/s
Sight ballistic speed 20303#####
Sight barrel internal diameter030432.0 mm
Sight clout angle03055.5°
Sight clout height03060.0 mm
Sight current pin height030781.1 mm
Sight drag coef. 103082.192
Sight drag coef. 20309#####
Tape font size031010.0 pt
Tape last printed length0311#####
Tape major tick interval031210.0 m
Sight mass0313200 g
Sight maximum range pin height031458.7 mm
Sight maximum safe sight range03150.0 m
Sight maximum tape range031690.0 m
Tape minor ticks per major031710
Sight minimum range pin height0318101.3 mm
Sight minimum safe pin height031940.0 mm
Tape minimum range03205.0 m
Number of tapes to print03211
Number of sight pins03221
Peep (eye) to nock along arrow0323159.5 mm
Peep (eye) to sight pin0324632.0 mm
Peep (eye) height above arrow0325120.0 mm
Sight pendulum height032650.0 mm
Sight pin horizontal offset03270.0 mm
Multi-pin range spacing032810.0 m
Sight pin windage offset0329-0.0 mm
Sight pivot height033088.0 mm
Sight pivot length033144.4 mm
Tape print scale trim03320.0 %
Sight ref. ballistics arrow mass0333385.8 gr
Sight ref. ballistics mean velocity033455.1 m/s
Sight ref. ballistics range033550.0 m
Sight ref. ballistics sight point height033669.0 mm
Tape scale multiplier03371.000
Tape scale turnover range033811.5 m
Sight standard deviation0339± 0.4 mm
Tape check value034045.2 mm
Tape crop margin03415.0 mm
Tape reference offset03420.0 mm
Tape length034365.0 mm
Tape width03446.0 mm
Sight turnover pin height0345106.2 mm
Sight virtual mass0346#####
Sight working pin height034758.7 mm
Stabilizer edit rod number03481
Moment of inertia, shoulder full03492.547 kg·m²
Moment of Inertia of shoulder, no stab03501.049 kg·m²
Stabilizer rod attach x035150 mm
Stabilizer rod attach y0352-120 mm
Stabilizer rod attach z03530 mm
Stabilizer rod azimuth03545.0°
Stabilizer rod contribution035558.8 %
Stabilizer rod elevation03565.0°
Stabilizer rod length0357950 mm
Stabilizer rod mass0358250 g
Stabilizer rod weight0359500 g
Stabilizer total mass0360750 g
Stabilizer wobble frequency03610.36 Hz
Stabilizer wobble reduction036258.8 %
Stabilizer wobble to group size prop036345.0 %
Aiming vertical offset distance03640 mm
Aiming horizontal offset distance03650 mm
Target alarm time03660.833 s
Target angle0367-6.1°
Target angle azimuth0368-0.0°
Arc travel distance036970.1 m
Drop rate at target0370-106 mm/m
Target ethicality03710 %
Flight time03721.036 s
Game kill zone diameter0373244 mm
Game orientation relative to archer037490°
Game maximum rib thickness03753.0 mm
Game rib coverage0376100 %
Game penetration required at orientation037710 mm
Target height relative to archer's ground03781.300 m
Impact speed037963.8 m/s
Target inclination038012.5°
Impact kinetic energy038164.84 J
Lead distance03820.0 m
Alert time margin03830.000 s
Ashby's threshold arrow mass038424.1 gr
Maximum ethical range0385#####
Maximum range0386#####
Minimum range0387#####
Impact momentum03882.03 kg·m/s
Target movement speed03890.5 m/s
Average penetration force03901621.1 N
Penetration factor03910.6952 MJ/m²
Penetration through rib0392626 mm
Penetration without bone strike0393702 mm
Penetration most likely0394626 mm
Penetration change03950 mm
Range039670.0 m
Range tolerance0397#####
Game reaction time0398#####
Sound return time03991.239 s
Sightline distance040070.0 m
Speed accuracy0401± 25 %
Impact spin speed04022324 rpm
Target zone tolerance0403± 25 mm
Target tolerance zone for game0404± 0 mm
Target x offset0405-20,000 mm
Target y offset0406-1646 mm
Target z offset04070 mm
Available energy from ballistics040857.03 J
Launch speed from ballistics040954.9 m/s
Virtual mass from ballistics041092.6 gr
Available energy from design041199.28 J
Launch speed from design041272.4 m/s
Virtual mass from design041392.6 gr
Launch speed from manufacturer041475.4 m/s
Virtual mass from speed measurement0415175.3 gr
Round setup 0 range041690.0 m
Round setup 0 face04171220 mm
Round setup 0 arrows041836
Round scores 0 score0419310
Round scores 0 X-count04205
Round scores 0 error0421#####
Round scores 0 cert0422#####
Round setup 1 range042370.0 m
Round setup 1 face04241220 mm
Round setup 1 arrows042536
Round scores 1 score0426330
Round scores 1 X-count04279
Round scores 1 error0428#####
Round scores 1 cert0429#####
Round setup 2 range043050.0 m
Round setup 2 face0431800 mm
Round setup 2 arrows043236
Round scores 2 score0433330
Round scores 2 X-count043410
Round scores 2 error0435#####
Round scores 2 cert0436#####
Round setup 3 range043730.0 m
Round setup 3 face0438800 mm
Round setup 3 arrows043936
Round scores 3 score0440352
Round scores 3 X-count044125
Round scores 3 error0442#####
Round scores 3 cert0443#####
Kit1000Generic Kit [GenKit]
Bow name1001Generic Bow [GenKit]
Riser name1002Generic Riser [GenKit]
Limbs name1003Generic Limbs [GenKit]
Cams name1004Generic Cams [GenKit]
Sight name1005Generic Sight [GenKit]
Stabilizer name1006Generic Stabilizer [GenKit]
Rod name1007Generic Stabilizer [GenKit]
Rest name1008Generic Rest [GenKit]
Plunger name1009Generic Plunger [GenKit]
Clicker name1010Generic Clicker [GenKit]
Release name1011Generic Release [GenKit]
Arrow name1012Generic Arrow [GenKit]
Point name1013Generic Point [GenKit]
Insert name1014Generic Insert [GenKit]
Shaft name1015Generic Shaft [GenKit]
Fletch name1016Generic Fletch [GenKit]
Nock name1017Generic Nock [GenKit]
Archer name1018Champ
Bow model or description1201Generic Bow Model
Riser model or description1202Generic Riser Model
Limbs model or description1203Generic Limbs Model
Cams model or description1204Generic Cams Model
Sight model or description1205Generic Sight Model
Stabilizer model or description1206Generic Stabilizer Model
Rod model or description1207Generic Stabilizer Model
Rest model or description1208Generic Rest Model
Plunger model or description1209Generic Plunger Model
Clicker model or description1210Generic Clicker Model
Release model or description1211Generic Release Model
Arrow model or description1212Generic Shaft [GenKit]
Point model or description1213Generic Point [GenKit]
Insert model or description1214Generic Insert [GenKit]
Shaft model or description1215Generic Shaft [GenKit]
Fletch model or description1216Generic Fletch [GenKit]
Nock model or description1217Generic Nock [GenKit]
Archer model or description1218Champ
Bow manufacturer1401Unknown
Riser manufacturer1402Unknown
Limbs manufacturer1403Unknown
Cams manufacturer1404Unknown
Sight manufacturer1405Unknown
Stabilizer manufacturer1406Unknown
Rod manufacturer1407Unknown
Rest manufacturer1408Unknown
Plunger manufacturer1409Unknown
Clicker manufacturer1410Unknown
Release manufacturer1411Unknown
Arrow manufacturer1412Unknown
Point manufacturer1413Unknown
Insert manufacturer1414Unknown
Shaft manufacturer1415Unknown
Fletch manufacturer1416Unknown
Nock manufacturer1417Unknown
Preferred Measurement Units1601Pragmatic Mix
Temp Measurement Units1602Pragmatic Mix
Archer's Gender1603Male
Archer's Handiness1604Right-handed
Last Report Type1605Parameter Snapshot
Bow Type1606Compound Aggressive
Bow Features (bitmap)160739
Limb Material1608Carbon composite
Bow Speed Source1609Design
Bow Speed StD.1610ATA
Release Type16112 Finger
Sight Type1612Target - Extended
Use a Peep1613Yes
Tape Reticle Style1614Narrow (~6 mm), plain
Insert Enabled1615Yes
Arrow Shaft Barrelled1616No
Arrow Shaft Material1617Carbon
Arrow Fletching Material1618Plastic
Arrow Fletching Shape1619Shield
Arrow Point Type1620Broadhead
Arrow Assembly Lock1621No
Arrow Fletching Helical1622No
Arrow Drag Coef. Source1623Calculated
Arrow Mass Source1624Calculated
Wind, Include Drift1625No
Wind Gust, Include1626No
Hunting Game162710 Zone 1220 mm
Wind, Land Surface1628None
Simulated Shooting enable1629Yes
Resight on Range Change1630Yes
Auto FITA Face Change16311
Custom Reports Enabled1632No
Contact Permissions16330
Link Arrow Stability to Group1634No
Sight Drop Source1635Yes
Allow Drop Data Adjust1636No
Enable No-drag Trajectory Plot16370
Fluid Type1638Air
Allow Ballistic Data Nudging1639No
Sensitivity Parameter ID1640Apparent temperature
Shooting State1641Yes
Archer Category Bitmap1642271
Tape Colors Map16430
Bow Speed Direct Measurement16443
Arrow Rotation Osc. Source1645Manual
Arrow Resonance Data Source1646Manual
Plot Options1647Yes
Arrow Rotate Enable1648No
Enable Bow Draw Length Tol.16490
Default Virtual Mass1650No
Use Rangefinder1651No
Arrow Resonant Flexing En.1652No
Sight Tape Attributes Bitmap1653899
Number of App. Launches16542
Version Gladbag Bitmap1655266
Round Selection Filter Bitmap165619
World Archery Class Index16575
Reverse Ballistics Loop Count165815
Reynolds No. Transition Flag16592
Arrow of 2x2 m Bale16601
Current Lua Script16610
Use Manf's Draw Rating16620
Manf's Draw Data Speed Est.16631
Valid Bow Speed Sources Bitmap166415
Spine to Ballistics Model16652
Canter Enable16660
Link Kill Zone to Sweet Tol.16670
Bow Tuning Includes Bitmap16680
Enable Auto Run of Script16690
Enable Auto Run of Plot16700
Sensitivity parVar index1671No
Any hunting category1800Yes
Target category1801Yes
Indoor category1802Yes
Field category1803Yes
3D category1804Yes
Traditional category1805No
Flight category1806No
Clout category1807No
Aerial category1808No
Hunting category1809Yes
Fishing category1810No
Cross country category1811No
Ski category1812No
Other category1813No
Reports directory2000
Tape custom text2001Arrow
User's email address2002
Locale2003Australia (AU)
Time and date2004Tue Dec 31 16:41:25 2019
World Archery class text2005Men's
AMO spine band2006K-
Current range score label2007Range Score (72 arrows):
Current round score label2008WA Olympic Ranking (70 m) 72/720
Current round name2009WA Olympic Ranking (70 m)
(null)2010Compound Aggressive
(null)2014Normal scoring
(null)2015WA 1-10 Zone
(null)2017WA 1-10 Zone
(null)201810 Zone 1220 mm
Ballistics range 1220050.0 m
Ballistics arrow mass 12201401.2 gr
Ballistics group height 12202260 mm
Ballistics drop 122033.727 m
Ballistics pin height 1220471 mm
Ballistics scale from ref. 122052 mm
Ballistics average speed 1220659.3 m/s
Ballistics solved drop error 122070 mm
Ballistics range 22210
Ballistics arrow mass 22211
Ballistics group height 22212
Ballistics drop 22213
Ballistics pin height 22214
Ballistics scale from ref. 22215
Ballistics average speed 22216
Ballistics solved drop error 22217
Ballistics range 32220
Ballistics arrow mass 32221
Ballistics group height 32222
Ballistics drop 32223
Ballistics pin height 32224
Ballistics scale from ref. 32225
Ballistics average speed 32226
Ballistics solved drop error 32227
Ballistics range 42230
Ballistics arrow mass 42231
Ballistics group height 42232
Ballistics drop 42233
Ballistics pin height 42234
Ballistics scale from ref. 42235
Ballistics average speed 42236
Ballistics solved drop error 42237
Ballistics range 52240
Ballistics arrow mass 52241
Ballistics group height 52242
Ballistics drop 52243
Ballistics pin height 52244
Ballistics scale from ref. 52245
Ballistics average speed 52246
Ballistics solved drop error 52247
Ballistics range 62250
Ballistics arrow mass 62251
Ballistics group height 62252
Ballistics drop 62253
Ballistics pin height 62254
Ballistics scale from ref. 62255
Ballistics average speed 62256
Ballistics solved drop error 62257
WA Olympic Ranking (70 m)2400active
WA Olympic Matchplay, Individual Set (70 m)2401
WA Olympic Team Set (70 m)2402
WA 90/1440 (90, 70, 50, 30 m)2403
WA 70/1440 (70, 60, 50, 30 m)2404
WA 60/1440 (60, 50, 40, 30 m)2405
WA Double 90/1440 (90, 70, 50, 30 m)2406
WA Double 70/1440 (70, 60, 50, 30 m)2407
WA Double 60/1440 (60, 50, 40, 30 m)2408
WA 900 (60, 50, 40 m)2409
WA Standard (50, 30 m)2410
WA 50 Match (50 m)2411
WA 50 Ranking (50 m)2412
Olympic Recurve (70 m)2413
WA 70 Recurve (70 m)2414
WA 50 Compound (50 m)2415
WA Compound Hit/Miss (50 m)2416
WA Academic Hit/Miss (70 m)2417
WA Duel Match (70 m)2418
WA Duel Match (18 m)2419
WA 25 Indoor (25m)2420
WA 18 Indoor (18 m)2421
WA Combined Indoor (25, 18 m)2422
WA Clout Recurve Mens (165 m)2423
WA Clout Compound Mens (185 m)2424
WA Clout Recurve Ladies (125 m)2425
WA Clout Compound Ladies (165 m)2426
Half WA 90 (90, 70, 50, 30 m)2427
Half WA 70 (70, 60, 50, 30 m)2428
Half WA 60 (60, 50, 40, 30 m)2429
WA 70/720 (70 m)2430
WA 60/720 (60 m)2431
WA 50/720 (50 m)2432
FITA 360 (30 m)2433
WA Field Marked (red pegs)2434
WA Field Marked (blue pegs)2435
WA Field Marked (yellow pegs)2436
IFAA Field (80 yd to 20 ft)2437
IFAA Expert Field (80 yd to 20 ft)2438
IFAA Hunter (70 to 11 yd)2439
IFAA International (65 to 20 yd)2440
IFAA Flint Indoor (30, 25, 20, 15, 10 yd, 20 ft)2441
IFAA Indoor (20 yd)2442
Canadian 900 (55, 45, 35 m)2443
Short Canadian 900 (45, 35, 25 m)2444
Canadian T2S 900 (35, 30, 25 m)2445
Vegas (20 yd)2446
USA Classic 600 (60, 50, 40 yd)2447
York (100, 80, 60 yd)2448
Hereford (80, 60, 50 yd)2449
Bristol II (60, 50, 40 yd)2450
Bristol III (50, 40, 30 yd)2451
Bristol IV (40, 30, 20 yd)2452
Bristol V (30, 20, 10 yd)2453
St George (100, 80, 60 yd)2454
Albion (80, 60, 50 yd)2455
Windsor (60, 50, 40 yd)2456
Short Windsor (50, 40, 30 yd)2457
Junior Windsor (40, 30, 20 yd)2458
Short Jr Windsor (30, 20, 10 yd)2459
New Western (100, 80 yd)2460
Long Western (80, 60 yd)2461
Western (60, 50 yd)2462
Short Western (50, 40 yd)2463
Junior Western (40, 30 yd)2464
Short Jr Western (30, 20 yd)2465
UK American (60, 50, 40 yd)2466
St Nicholas (40, 30 yd)2467
New National (100, 80 yd)2468
Long National (80, 60 yd)2469
National (60, 50 yd)2470
Short National (50, 40 yd)2471
Junior National (40, 30 yd)2472
Short Jr National (30, 20 yd)2473
New Warwick (100, 80 yd)2474
Long Warwick (80, 60 yd)2475
Warwick (60, 50 yd)2476
Short Warwick (50, 40 yd)2477
Junior Warwick (40, 30 yd)2478
Short Junior Warwick (30, 20 yd)2479
Metric I (70, 60, 50, 30 m)2480
Metric II (60, 50, 40, 30 m)2481
Metric III (50, 40, 30, 20 m)2482
Metric IV (40, 30, 20, 10 m)2483
Metric V (30, 20, 15, 10 m)2484
Long Metric (90, 70 m)2485
Long Metric I (70, 60 m)2486
Long Metric II (60, 50 m)2487
Long Metric III (50, 40 m)2488
Long Metric IV (40, 30 m)2489
Long Metric V (30, 20 m)2490
Short Metric I (50, 30 m)2491
Short Metric II (40, 30 m)2492
Short Metric III (30, 20 m)2493
Short Metric IV (20, 10 m)2494
Short Metric V (15, 10 m)2495
Stafford (30 m)2496
Bray I (20 yd)2497
Bray II (25 yd)2498
Portsmouth (20 yd)2499
Worcester (20 yd)2500
GNAS Vegas (18 m, 5 spot)2501
GNAS Clout (180 yd)2502
GNAS Clout (140 yd)2503
BLBS Clout, Mens (180 yd)2504
BLBS Clout, Ladies (140 yd)2505
AA 50/1440 (50, 40, 30, 20 m)2506
AA 40/1440 (40, 30, 30, 20 m)2507
Long Sydney (90, 70, 60, 50 m)2508
Sydney (70, 60, 50, 40 m)2509
Long Brisbane (90, 70, 60, 50 m)2510
Brisbane (70, 60, 50, 40 m)2511
Adelaide (60, 50, 40, 30 m)2512
Short Adelaide (50, 40, 30, 20 m)2513
Hobart (90, 70, 50 m)2514
Perth (70, 60, 50 m)2515
Short Canberra (50, 40, 30 m)2516
Junior Canberra (40, 30, 20 m)2517
Grange (60 m)2518
Melbourne (50 m)2519
Darwin (40 m)2520
Geelong (30 m)2521
Newcastle (20 m)2522
Holt (50 m)2523
Drake (30 m)2524
Samford (40 m)2525
Wollongong (90, 70 m)2526
Townsville (70, 60 m)2527
Launceston (50, 30 m)2528
AA 50/720 (50 m)2529
AA 40/720 (40 m)2530
AA 30/720 (30 m)2531
Australian Indoor (18 m)2532
Australian Indoor (25 m)2533
Australian Combined Indoor (25, 18 m)2534
Australian Clout (180 m)2535
Australian Clout (165 m)2536
Australian Clout (145 m)2537
Australian Clout (125 m)2538
Australian Clout (100 m)2539
Australian Field Marked (red pegs)2540
Australian Field Marked (blue pegs)2541
Australian Field Marked (yellow pegs)2542
Kit name2600Present
Bow riser2602Not Present
Bow limbs2603Not Present
Bow cams2604Not Present
Bow sight2605Present
Bow Stabilizer2606Present
Bow rods2607Present
Bow rest2608Present
Bow plunger2609Not Present
Bow clicker2610Not Present
Release2611Not Present
Arrow point2613Present
Arrow insert2614Present
Arrow shaft2615Present
Arrow fletches2616Present
Arrow nock2617Present
Archer name2618Present