Arrow Name

An arrow configuration or assembly may be named and saved to the database. Typically, an archer has several different arrow types for different purposes - so should be named accordingly. The Arrow name field associates a shaft, nock, insert, point and fletching to a named assembly.

See the Kit Name information for more details on how named kit components are managed.

New Record

A new record with a copy of current arrow is created and linked to the current kit. The original record is retained but the current kit's post-fix identifier (i.e. the part in square brackets) is removed from its name. In copying the current arrow, a fresh copy is made although new copies of the sub-components are not made.

Rename Record ...

Simply renames the record as expected. Note that attempting to edit any kit identifier is ignored. The kit identifier can only be changed from the Archer panel, and then only if the kit is the active. Such a change is then applied to all components belonging to the original kit.

Delete Record ...

Deletes a selected record. The current component's record can not be deleted.

Deleting records can have unintended consequences. Inactive records are simply deleted, even if used in other inactive kits. The result is that when the other kit is loaded and it cannot find the record you have deleted, it will load a generic component and probably all its sub-components will be generic as well.