Data Fields

All data fields may be edited in the usual way, but the calculator does not start until the Return or Enter key is hit. There is more to data fields than is initially obvious ...

Measurement Units

The units of measurement are selectable as metric, imperial or a pragmatic mix of both in the Preference window. Individual data field's units may be changed at any time by selecting the entire field and over typing with the new units. Fields are grouped with related fields, so for example, changing a point's mass units will changed all the mass units associated with an arrow.

For example, the arrow mass field may contain [330.3 gr] in grains, may be selected and over typed with "g" for grams followed by "enter" to yield [21.40 g]. It can be observed that the units of point mass, insert mass, shaft mass etc. will also change to grams.

If the entered units' text is wrong, a list of valid units' text is provided in the status area. Use this feature to find valid units - type any nonsense and see!

Alternatively, you can cycle through the valid units by typing the '<' or '>' character followed by enter. This can be easier for more complicated unit's text.

An alternative way to change the units is to type the new value in, and append the units. Thus, if the current draw length is '780 mm', over typing with '28" ' will result in '28.00" '. Over typing 'mm' will convert back to metric: '711 mm'.

To allow some traditional input formats such as 5'6" all fields accept two unit labelled values. Thus 5'6" is interpreted as 5 feet plus 6 inches, although the returned value will be in units of the first - in this case decimal feet (5.50'). Similarly, '5.6kg 1lb' will return '6.05 kg' and typing '1.556m 0.025m' will return '1.581 m'. In other words, you may mix your units, which can occasionally be useful.

Calculated Fields

Many data fields are calculated outputs. Attempts to enter data in these will be immediately over-written with the calculated value, however the units can still be changed. If a calculated field value cannot be determined (because it does not make sense) then it will read "#####".

Combination Fields

Some fields allow entry, but under some conditions will be assigned a value when another related field is changed. This only happens when there is more than one way to define a parameter or condition.

Meaning of Color

The color of a data field's text conveys some meaning:
black - for a normal data entry,
purple - for a calculated field,
green - for a combination of input and calculated field,
red - for an error and
pastel - a pastel version of any above color for a disabled field.

Upper and Lower Limits

Sensible upper and lower limits for the parameter are enforced by adopting the limit if an entry outside this range is attempted. The limits tend to be defined as rounded numbers in "pragmatic" units, so they can appear odd for a default when viewed in other units. Each parameter is displayed with realistic resolution. You may enter to a higher resolution and it will be accepted and used, however it will be displayed to the parameter's standard resolution.


Each parameter is displayed with realistic resolution. You may enter to a higher resolution and it will be accepted and used, however it will be displayed to the parameter's standard resolution.

Smart Data Fields (advanced feature)

Most data fields can accept an expression preceded by the "=" character. The expression is transformed to a chunk of Lua code by prefixing and post-fixing some statements and replacing the "#" marker with the field's current value. By way of an example, the expression:

"= # * 1.01"

is transformed into a Lua chunk that is executed immediately. This simple example takes the current value of the field and multiplies it by 1.01. The expression can be arbitrarily complex, involving other parameters, however the result is usually not worth the effort! The expression is not saved after evaluation. See the Analysis>Scripting panel for related information.