Stabilizer Rod Table

This panel provides an alternative to the previous Geometry panel. It contains the same data but presented in a single table. For archers with complex stabilizes this may be more convenient.

Each column corresponds to a single rod and weight combination.

Data Fields

The data fields all correspond to those in the Geometry panel where they are described in more detail.

Include Rod Columns

Enable or disables a column of data in a similar way to the Include check-box on the Geometry panel. A disabled column will not be included in calculations. Note that if a column contains non-sensible data, then it may also be excluded from calculations

Description / Model

This field is used to identify a rod in the database so should be unique unless it is shared with another configuration. In a complex setup would typically indicate position e.g. "Top Short RC1".

Length (A)

Rod length from attachment point to the center of gravity (CoG) of end weight as indicated in diagram.

Rod Mass

The weight of the rod without the end weight. The CoG of the rod is assumed to be at 45% of its length from the attachment point.

Elevation (α)

Angle in vertical plan above arrow axis. Positive up, negative down.

Azimuth (β)

Angle in horizontal plane from arrow axis. Positive to the right, negative to the left. For rear facing "V" rods, the angle is measured from forward arrow position, so this angle is 180° minus the "out" angle.

Attachment X

Defines the attachment point relative to the riser's pivot point along the horizontal or arrow axis. Positive forward of the pivot point, negative towards archer.

Attachment Y

Defines the attachment point relative to the riser's pivot point in the vertical direction. Positive above the pivot point, negative below.

Attachment Z

Defines the attachment point relative to the riser's pivot point in the horizontal direction. Positive to right of the pivot point, negative to the left.


The mass of the attached weight.


This is a calculated field showing the contribution of this rod and mass to the wobble stability of the bow.