Menu Bar

The main menu bar has the standard Mac facilities that require no further explanation. In addition, there are a number of FlyingSticks specific functions.

In practice, the menu bar is rarely used as almost all functionality is accessed directly in the various windows. It is strongly recommended that the application be closed via the File menu or ⌘Q in the normal way as this ensures data is saved and the exit is orderly.


About FlyingSticks

Provides credits for the open source software components of FlyingSticks. Also credits a number of significant contributors to the science of archery.


Allows for the setting of a range of FlyingSticks options. Some of these are associated with kits, others are more global.


Saves the current kit setup before quitting the application.


New Kit...

Creates a new kit by copying the currently active kit and making it active. Allows the entry of a name for the new kit, including the kit identifier.

Open Kit...

Allows for the selection of an already defined kit and makes it active.

Save Kit

This menu action save the entire active setup to the main database. This is the same save as done automatically on a normal program Quit. You might use it before making a major change to your kit. This saved kit will reflect any "try and see" changes you may have made. Presently there is no way to lock or write protect a particular kit or component.

Save Kit As...

Saves the current kit then proceeds to saves all items in the current setup as a new kit with a new kit name.

Delete Kit...

Allows for the selection of an already defined kit and then deletes all components associated with the kit. If the deleted kit happens to be the currently active kit, it will be re-instated in the kit database i.e. it will not be deleted.

Delete History...

This is a radical action that will erase the entire content of the database if you accept the warnings that are issued.

Export ▶ Reports & Templates...

Exports the current set of templates to a place of your choosing. The templates may be edited and then imported for use. This item is disabled when "Allow Custom Reports" is unchecked in the Preferences panel.

Export ▶ Current Script...

Exports the currently active script, with the option to rename the file.

Export ▶ Database...

Exports the currently database, with the option to rename the file.

Import  ▶  Report Template(s)...

Allows the importing of one or more custom reporting templates as viewed in the Archer>Reports view. This item is disabled unless "Allow Custom Reports is checked in the Preferences panel.

The action opens a standard Open panel to allow file selection. For these templates to be used, they must have one of the standard report names. See here for details.

Import  ▶  Script(s)...

Allows the selection of one or more .lua files for importing into FlyingSticks. If it is a single file it is opened and made active.

Import  ▶  Database...

Allows the selection of a .db an Sqlite database file for importing into FlyingSticks and named "archer2DB.db". If the file is good, it is made active.This process will over-write the current data base without first checking the imported version, so take care. Suggest you File>Export>Database... prior to importing.

Restore Default Reports

This will replace all report templates with the factory defaults. This item is hidden unless "Allow Custom Reports is checked in the Preferences panel.

Print Tape

Opens the Tape Window then prints it as seen in the window. The tape can be customized in the Sight>Tape panel.


Standard macOS editing functions.


The View items allow direct access to the various FlyingSticks windows, Calculator panels, FlyingSticks Booklet and the Manual. This can be useful if the view of the window is obstructed by other apps.


Pause / Resume Shooting

Pauses or resumes the simulated shooting as seen on the Target Window and in the calculator's Groups panel.

The item is enabled or disabled by the Preference panel's Grouping & Scoring Enable checkbox.


Re-sights the target if possible by adjusting launch elevation and azimuth. If it is not possible due to excessive range or height, a best attempt along the sight-line.

Configure to an Archery Interest   ▶︎

The sub-menu provides a list of possible predefined configurations.

Note: as many parameters can be changed, a dialog box opens with the option to create a new kit. This ensures current kit is saved before any parameters are changed. However if your are simply exploring FlyingSticks it is usually preferred to just overwrite the current kit as deleting numerous kit later can be tedious.


Target Shooting with Current Bow

Target Shooting with Recurve Bow

Target Shooting with Compound Bow

Target Shooting with Tradition Bow

Hunting with Current Bow

Hunting with Recurve Bow

Hunting with Compound Bow

Hunting with Tradition Bow

Clout Shooting with Current Bow

Clout Shooting with Recurve Bow

Clout Shooting with Compound Bow

Clout Shooting with Tradition Bow


Default Kit Name

targetM [TM#]

targetR [TR#]

targetC [TC#]

targetT [TT#]

huntM [HM#]

huntR [HR#]

huntC [HC#]

huntT [HT#]

cloutM [CM#]

cloutR [CR#]

cloutC [CC#]

cloutT [CT#]

crazyC [TC#]

The Action will open the main window set that will occupy most of the screen.

If one of the hunting actions is chosen, the Hunting table will be enable if not already. This will ripple through and change a number of options - for example the point selection will be expanded to include broadheads.

Sweet Range Show/Hide

Calculates the sweet range (see Ballistics>Extras panel) and displays the sweet range as a yellow band in the Trajectory Window.

Measurement Units (default)

The measurement units selected here are temporary, remaining in use until changed or initialized to the default set in the Preference panel when the app is launched. Selecting this item will return the units to the default in Preferences.

Remember, any field's units may be temporarily changed independently as described under Measurement Units. These changes will be reset if the main measurement units are changed.


Select strict metric (SI) units for all fields. (FlyingSticks uses only SI units internally, with all conversion done on input and output).

Imperial, US Customary

Select traditional imperial units. Sometimes these units are not strictly correct for the type of measurement, but none-the-less commonly used.

Mix of Metric and Imperial

This is a pragmatic mix of metric and US customary units. As for Imperial, sometimes these units are not strictly correct for the type of measurement, none-the-less commonly used, so are used in FlyingSticks' mixed mode.


Run Current Script  ⌘R

Runs the currently active Lua script. Use ⌘R as the keyboard shortcut.

Independent & Control Variables

Provides a list of all independent and control variables to aid in inserting the variable's name into a script. When a variable is selected and the Scripting panel is open, it will insert the variable's name at the current insertion point in the scripts text box, otherwise it will be placed on the clipboard so that it can be pasted in any field.

Dependent Variables

Provides a list of all dependent variable name. Selection is handled as for Independent Variables.


Provides a list of all supported round names, with the current round marked with a tick. When a round is selected and the Scripting panel is open, it will insert the round's name at the current insertion point in the scripts text box, otherwise it will be placed on the clipboard so that it can be pasted in any field or other app.

If the "control", "option" or "command" key is pressed when the round is selected, the current round is changed to the selected round without inserting the round name in the script or clipboard.

Simulator Calibration Check

This action sets up FlyingSticks to allow the checking of the Grouping &Scoring Simulator and the quality of the computer's random number generator. See Calibration Check for more information.


Shows the open windows, any one of which can be selected to make active.

Open All and Arrange

Opens the Calculator, Target, Tape and Plots windows and arranges then to fill the screen. Individual windows may then be resized as desired.

Bring All to Front

Brings FlyingSticks windows that may be obscured by other applications to the front.



Not yet supported.

Menu Bar Help

Shows this info page.

How To   ▶

Opens the "How To..." system. This is a growing series of "recipes" for various tasks with direct links into the calculator.


Opens the consolidated manual window at the introduction page. Has a toggle action - clicking again will hide the manual.


Opens the accompanying archery booklet - a work in progress!

Request Support

Use this button to send an email to the FlyingSticks team on any subject. As for registration, you can edit or abort. By default, a snapshot of you setup is attached to assist in problem diagnosis. You may delete this if you wish before pressing Mail's send button.


Optionally you may register as a FlyingSticks customer. The process composes a simple email and presents it to you for approval. You may edit the email and send it or you can elect to cancel. FlyingSticks assumes Apple's Mail app is available.